New Publication - Detect Low Quality Data

My coauthor John Scofield and I just had a publication accepted at Behavior Research Methods - you can check out the publication preprint at OSF. We thew together a website for the paper that summarizes everything we found, as well as puts all the materials together in one place - check it out. We create a really nice R function to help you detect low quality data, which you can find on GitHub, and I even made a video that explains all the parts to the function at YouTube. [Read More]

A Shiny App to Compare Stats

For a recent publication comparing null hypothesis testing p-values to Bayes Factors and Observation Oriented Modeling, we created a Shiny app to graph all of our complex plots. I particularly pleased with the plotly 3D graph - as I usually think that 3D graphs are impossible to read. This plot shows what we found in our study (albeit I would recommend viewing the 2D plots more): Bayes Factors and p-values follow a power function, as we expected. [Read More]