Multilevel Modeling Workshop Materials

Many thanks to Rutgers University Spanish and Portuguese Department ( for asking me to come talk about multilevel models. I enjoyed talking to the group, meeting Twitter friends in real life!, and I am especially impressed by what their department is doing in what is often considered a qualitative science. I used RStudio’s Cloud to share a workspace with all the materials, packages, and other information you might need. I built the slide show using markdown, so that people could watch the slides and/or take their own notes. [Read More]

Mediation Moderation Workshop

Hi everyone! I have been super swamped with a bunch of due dates that all hit in April. For a small brag, and I like making lists: 9 revise and resubmits (four we’ve sent back, two have been accepted!) 4 conference posters and one invited talk 1 submitted grant (fingers crossed!) 2 invited papers 2 theses that I’m chairing, 2 that I’m on the committee for Data camp! It’s been nuts, so haven’t left the house much or done much of anything else. [Read More]

Working With Messy Text

Heyo! I am doing my best to procrastinate here on a blustery Tuesday afternoon. So, I decided to share some code I’ve put together that solves problems in R that I used to do in perl. HTML or C++ was probably my first real language, but I love the heck out of perl. It’s never done me wrong (unlike you PHP). Anyways! The context of this project is that we are developing a dictionary of words to complement the work done by Jonathan Haidt and Jesse Graham - learn more. [Read More]