Is English Kurtotic?

You ever have a random text that sent your brain to work? Here’s mine today: KD Text Followed up with examples that lol is bimodal, while loop is positively skewed, and enter is “almost normal”. The lovely K.D. posed this question to me earlier, and I already have procrastinated a lot today, so here’s to more! First, I typed out some fonts in Word to help me figure out how to code the two important parts for this question: width and height. [Read More]

Lasso Myself Numbers

Hey everybody! The last couple days I have been trying to learn LASSO regression, which stands for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. I have several datasets with many variables, and I thought these would be a good opportunity to learn about how to lasso, while maybe answering a few questions about words. Right, the part I forgot about is that I have repeated measures data, which always complicates things. [Read More]

New Publications

Just updated my CV - here’s a few new publications and conferences! The weird thing about the automatic CV updater I wrote is that you can’t really predict what order the same year publications are going to be in - not that it matters in general, but it’s an interesting side effect. Also, super proud - both of these are student theses turned papers: Maxwell, N.P. & Buchanan, E.M. (2019).Investigating the interaction of direct and in-direct relation on memory judgments and retrieval. [Read More]

New Publication: Texting

One more announcement! We just had a new publication accepted: “Textisms”: The Comfort of the Recipient: This paper was an undergraduate honors thesis that Flora-Jean and I finally got accepted! She did a great job making sure this paper was completed and published. You can check out the materials here: You can view the pre-print: We should have the real print up soon! Just waiting on the journal now. [Read More]