Adaptive Algorithms for Stimuli Sampling in Cognitive Studies

Erin M. Buchanan & The Psychological Science Accelerator

The Psychological Science Accelerator

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  • Globally distributed network of researchers with more than 1000 members in 82 countries
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  • PSA007: Semantic Priming Across Many Languages




Adaptive Algorithms for Sampling

Accuracy in Parameter Estimation

Defining “Sufficiently Narrow”

##    Trial Type Accuracy  RT      Stimulus  Participant     ZScore
## 3      3    1        1 526 philosophical participant1 -1.0256075
## 5      5    1        1 512     belonging participant1 -1.1129066
## 6      6    1        1 626      lowliest participant1 -0.4020424
## 8      8    1        1 846         yacht participant1  0.9698008
## 9      9    1        1 434       warmish participant1 -1.5992874
## 10    10    1        1 552      splendor participant1 -0.8634806

Defining the Stopping Rule

Defining the Stopping Rule